Le Refuge Genève (Dialogai)
Rue de la Navigation 11
1201 Geneva
In accordance with the timetable on our website
Everyone has their place in society. Questions about sexual orientation and gender identity are not obstacles to personal fulfillment. Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans* is a richness that must be cultivated and lived to the full in order to be oneself.
Le Refuge Genève is a springboard to autonomy and self-affirmation. It is open to those whose sexual orientation or gender identity, whether real or in question, creates difficulties at school, in society or within the family.
Le Refuge Genève is also open to those around them and to support professionals.
Angebotene Leistungen
- Individual socio-educational support;
- Parenting support;
- Family mediation;
- Group drop-in center;
- Talking groups;
- Theme groups;
- Activities;
- Awareness-raising on LGBTIQ+ issues;
- Support for professionals;
- Accommodation for 18/25 year-olds.
Be an LGBTIQ+ or questioning person under the age of 30
Free services