
A platform that provides help for
young people & professionals
simply in a few clicks.

Click4HELP is a platform for young people from the age of
12 to 25, their families and concerned professionals to find
necessary information and help within a few clicks.

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In Switzerland, a plethora of structures offer a large choice of helpful resources.
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About click4help.ch
In Switzerland, a large number of organisations/institutions offer a wide range of assistance and resources.

In order to enable young people aged between 12 and 25, their families and the professionals who work with them to find the information or help they need in just a few clicks among these hundreds of offers, Children Action launched the click4help.ch platform in 2016.

Initially covering structures located in the canton of Geneva, Click4help is now expanding to the cantons of Aargau, Bern, St. Gallen, Schaffhausen, Schwyz, Thurgau, Zug and Zurich, with the ultimate aim of including facilities from all Swiss cantons with a site in French, German, Italian and English.

Click4help is one of the prevention tools developed by Children Action as part of the MALATAVIE project run since 1996 in partnership with the Geneva University Hospitals, and the LIFE project, run since 2022 in partnership with the Psychiatric University Hospital of Zurich. MALATAVIE and LIFE offer a range of inpatient and outpatient care and prevention services to combat the terrible scourge of suicide among young people in Switzerland.


You are a facility that proposes help from
the age of 12-25 years old.
Join our platform!
